
Our online portals on various topics of Economic Education offer you the opportunity to design some or all of the lessons digitally and to download teaching materials.

Economy and Energy

Energy in Economics lessons

German-language site: http://www.wirtschaftundenergie.de/

Basic economic facts, concepts and categories are conveyed on energy use and supply, on environmental and climate protection. In addition, the complex nature of decisions made in energy management can be made more comprehensible with the scope for shaping such decisions being made more transparent.


  • approx. 150 different types of materials as word and PDF documents divided into six comprehensive teaching units with teacher handbooks for your lessons;
  • a lesson planer simplifying the individual material make-up
  • further hints and tips for your lessons (e.g. active methods of teaching and learning or useful apps);
  • news from the German North-West energy region;
  • and much more.

Perspectives in the Northwest

German-language site: https://www.perspektiven-im-nordwesten.de/de

IÖB has developed online provisions with teaching materials and courses leading to qualifications on the themes of regional energy sector, career guidance, organising practical contacts and analysis of the regional economy. These provisions have been created with the help of a regional alliance of skilled workers known as “Nordwest”.     

The content is currently being expanded to include aspects of the healthcare sector and the integration of web-based training for students.


  • over 100 different types of materials in four teaching units for your lessons;
  • Subject-specific background information as well as teaching hints and tips for the teaching units;
  • profiles of apprenticeship positions in the regional energy sector as well as possible companies where these apprenticeships are possible;
  • interactive map with regional companies in the energy sector in north-western Germany, showing the offers available for schools and students (currently being developed);
  • and much more.

Maritime Economy and Logistics

Energy in Economics lessons

German-language website: www.marwilo.de

The portal has been conceived as a medium to accompany the student workbook “Wirtschaft im Hafen” [English: Economy in the Harbour] aimed at German general secondary school level. There are four comprehensive teaching units for lessons in Economics at the German general secondary school level II.


  • online modules for the German general secondary school level II (http://marwilo.de/module) on the following topics:
    • International economic relations
    • State, infrastructure & environment
    • Structural change & digital world
    • Study and career guidance
  • Multimedia and interactive content as well as tasks for students on topics from the student workbook “Wirtschaft im Hafen” [Economy in the Harbour] (including current materials on the case study “Konfliktfall A20“ [A case in conflict: the A20 motorway]);
  • news;
  • and much more.

Wi.Fo!-Lab in the Wirtschafts.Forscher! programme

German-language link: https://www.wirtschafts-forscher.de/

The Wirtschafts.Forscher! programme gets teachers and students to deal with problems in the dynamic space where economics, ethics and digitalization meet. This occurs alongside face-to-face teaching through the specially designed virtual learning room, the Wi.Fo!-Lab, inside of which there are options to digitally process media processing and interact with other participants alongside the many other types of media available.

This way, the programme enables every teacher to implement an individual blended learning concept tailored to the class / group and, in addition, to go through research assignments by students.

wigy e. V.

Understanding the economy

German-language website: https://www.wigy.de/

wigy e.V. has been campaigning since 1993 as a German nationwide initiative to include Economic Education as an integral part of the general German school system and to strengthen public awareness of economic relationships. The association supports the promotion of basic economic knowledge and students’ training ability through numerous teaching courses and cooperation between schools and business. wigy is active among and works closely with schools, teachers, students, companies, institutions and associations, assuming the role of facilitating dialogue which interlinks actors and activities together.

IÖB is significantly involved in the development of content, assuming the role of academic and scientific lead for the association.


  • online pool with over 3500 teaching provisions as well as materials on topical economic themes, released weekly and designed based on didactic research;
  • organisation and supporting contacts from practice, e.g. with explorations and talks with experts;
  • events on topical themes related to Economic Education and schools;
  • and much more

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